Thursday, October 15, 2009

Brotherly (and Sisterly) Love

SHE plays with him all day: shares her toys, reads him stories, includes him in her imaginary play (he gets to be the handsome prince while I continue to receive the bad guy roles).

HE follows her every move, cries if she is crying (even when its fake) and laughs if she laughs.

THEY are the best of friends.

Their bond makes my heart swell with joy -- the overwhelming, teary-eyed kind of joy.

Lily recently discovered the art of photography. She has taken some great still life photos and I love seeing the world from her point of view. She also takes great people pictures; of course her favorite subject is Phinn!

Phinn just acquired his first tooth, has learned to "stand" in his round-about toy, now rolls from his front to his back, has killer abs from all doing crunches all day (he's going to be sitting up on his own in about 3 more seconds), talks up a storm to the whole family's delight and is fascinated by his toes, his fingers and anything he can stick in his mouth.

Lily turned FOUR in September! Her butterfly party was rescheduled several times since we were all recovering from the flu (OINK, OINK), but actual day and the eventual party day were happy, balloon-filled, chocolate-cake eating, happy-birthday-singing days!

Last month we all went on a the backyard!
Daddy and Lil set up the tent and built the campfire while
I prepped bed rolls and boiled hot dogs
...on the stove the kitchen.
It was tough, lemme tell ya! :o)
Afterwards, we had s'mores.
Everyone else slept soundly while I stayed up keeping watch, listening to the world and the sounds of my family slumbering peacefully.
Lily reminded us that next time we are supposed to tell scary stories,
you know,
like, "once a little girl heard a noise in the dark and it was a
...... CAT!"

The next morning we hiked (I am using that word loosely) the C&O Canal at Lily's pace. We had a great time trying to trick the spiders on their webs. Frank would throw a little stick into the web and then we'd watch the spider go see what he'd "caught". I am sure the spiders were disappointed, but they each shook the stick loose to clean up the web before heading back to the middle to wait again...tidy little boogers!

We had snacks by the river where we saw minnows, crawdads, geese and, apparently, the "Ariel rock" from The Little Mermaid. Lily was overjoyed!!!!!!


kristib said...

I want to hang out with your family! I miss you!

Joel and Chelsey said...

Sooo cute! I love the Ariel rock--of course that's what it is. Just waiting for Lily to sit on and sing.

So I heard something yesterday about you guys--I'm really hoping it's NOT true. :( TTYS!

Ryan and Alicia said...

What darling little kiddos. I love having my girl first too. Emma is Jax's little mother hen and they are the best of friends. I don't know if they would be if he had been born first. (personality differences). I love hearing about your cute fam and all your adventures in the great outdoors. ;-)

Karly said...

Here's a flash from the past: it's Karly Stoffer, former BYU Park Place roomie. I found your blog from a comment on Angie's blog and wanted to say hi! It looks like you are doing really well. Congratulations on your beautiful children, and the one picture I saw of you looks amazing, as you always did.
My blog is if you want to stay in touch. Take care!

Shauna said...

love this post Hiliarie. highlights being..the "oink oink" and "ariel rock." i had to laugh out loud over that one..only 4 year olds huh? miss you already...sniff sniff:(

Michelle Wilkes said...

Your babies are adorable! Thanks for inviting me to peek in at your lives via the blog!
Sure miss you!